Friday, November 21, 2008


Hey guys,
I am not going to talk about politics because I am getting a little annoyed at it myself, and I am done with being happy about Obama winning. Of course I am still in awe that America chose the right man for the job, but it is just not right to talk about it for 3 or 4 blogs straight. So, now I am going to write about things that I feel I can write about here on my Myspace. However, before I get to that, I want to explain why I am even writing "this" and the other blogs. Well, I have been told, that some people don't really know you, and by writing something like this, could help express yourself. Which is what I really want to do. I am not trying to draw attention, rather, just let you guys what I am about. So, essentially, imagine as a blog as a never ending me. (well you can minipulate how long you continue this) That is another reason why I like this blog feature on myspace, I can:
A- Write about WHATEVER I want.
B- Write WHENEVER I want,
C- Write how long, or little I want,
D- Express myself
To get on topic, (If there is one), or should I say, to create a general topic, I want to write about some things that are on my mind.
So... I'm going to take a shot at this, and I am not to sure where it will go, because I am writing this as I go, I have no idea what I will write about. I feel like talking about music (maybe because I am currently listening to some right now). As I get more mature and older in my teen years (haha), I am noticing that music is more of a way to escape reality rather then a stereotype requirement (Example: Listening to Bob Marley just because you want to cool with the stoners). I used to listen to hip-hop and rap, only because I wanted to fit in with my group of friends, who listened to rap music. Which leads me to believe music is more and more starting to become a trend rather then a way to express yourself. With that, I do find the music you listen to does influence you, which leads to how you express yourself, not nesscisarily to fit in to a stereotype which everyone is trying to do these days. So, essentially that would make music a way to express yourself as a music artist, and as a music enthusiast. However, that is not the reason why I listen to it. I like to escape my troubles with music of course because if you can forget about your negativity then of course it is great. Another reason why I listen to music is because I love the feeling of those goosebumps you get when something amazing happens. I don't know if it is just me, and/or the musical genre I listen to, because the music I enjoy is the only kind that gives me this sensation I can not explain. I also acknoledge the creativity, the talent, and the heart going into music, which makes the song, album, or artist that much better. It is possible that I am the only one who gets this way, because when I am bored, or when I am interested in something, I look deep into it to either pull out something interesting, or to like it even better. If you know me, then you would know how big my musical variety is, I like everything from jamgrass (A mixture of jamband and bluegrass) to reggae, to classic rock and the counting crowes (I don't know where to put them under). With music, there is so much you can learn, and that always interests me, along with the talent, creativity etc. etc.
Tyler Curtis

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