Friday, November 21, 2008

Obama Wins, Does Racism Stop?

I was thinking about what my blog should be about today, and I want to keep it on Obama for as long as I can, due to the epicicity(is that even a word?) of this recent election. And after reviewing my last blog, (yesterday) I saw a picture of Rev. Al Sharpton crying. I thought about this because since he is a activist for African Americans and President (That sounds good) Barack Obama, is a African American (Not a practiced muslim).
Furthermore, it appears that I asked my self will racism be as bad (or even better) stop because our president is African American?
One would hope that racism would not be a issue anymore, but then I thought about it. Racism is caused usually by uneducated people.(meaning people who do not take the time to hear the facts, rather they listen to the first thing someone says) This unfortunatley is true, because we (as in the non racist people) know that there are very wealthy and successful African Americans in this world. From Oprah, to Senator Barack Obama, there are African Americans liveing the American dream just like some whites. However, some people are either A) stubborn, B) do not take the time to look into these topics, or C) believe what ever someone tells them.
Can you explain to me why so many Louisiannians were not aided as quickly as what was nesscessary? Did you notice how most of the time the people on the roofs who were not aided right away were African American or Latino?

For Example look at this, it shows a white person "finding" something, and in the same magazine I believe, and a black person "looting" "or stealing" things, when they are both doing the same thing...

Because, a portion of US citizens who are not African American or Latino are somewhat racist. The KKK does still exist, there is a Nazi party that exists among us. There are minor Nazi groups in the US and world. People below will comment and say "no we arent racist" but they will feel wierd when someone who is different like them are sitting next to them they probably feel uncomfortable. Which is O.K. You can not help that, it's the ignorance among our elders who affect how we are towards people who are different.

To get back on topic, since like I previously said, will the clutch of the US presidency from African American President Barack Obama, help cure racism? I think it wont, because people NOW are starting to say, America is screwed, when we should of realized this 8 Years ago! Like I have said, we are currently funding a unnescessary war, killing innocent people in a different country, and in trillions more dollars in debt than we were before REPUBLICAN George Bush was in office. We are funding stupid and useless programs, which is wasting our money. Then to top it off, we are paying our enemies, for poison for our earth. We are just a sick sick country,and if we are already not the leading country, then we will be extremely soon. Just watch what George Bush does in his last days, I don't know why we didn't impeach him already.

Comments are nice,

Tyler Curtis

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